Robotic simulation or operational research engineer (M-F) – Puteaux, Hauts-de-Seine

Robotic simulation or operational research engineer (M-F)


Puteaux, Hauts-de-Seine



Who are we?

With 25 campuses, 8,500 graduates per year, and 106,000 alumni, CESI is a leading engineering school that promotes social mobility through excellence. By joining CESI, you become part of a dynamic environment that combines teamwork, diverse projects, and autonomy.

Our research unit, CESI LINEACT (UR 7527), is committed to innovation and regional competitiveness. We focus our efforts on applied research tailored to the needs of businesses.

Project Description and Responsibilities

This engineering position is part of the DYNALOG project (Architecture de planification et de supervision DYNAmique de mission pour un système intraLOGistique robotisé de grande dimension), funded by France 2030 and supported by the ANR (ANR-23-DMR0-0006) as part of the “Défi Transfert Robotique” call for projects. The aim of this position is to transfer the technological expertise resulting from CESI Lineact’s research to the industrial ecosystem of the DYNALOG consortium.

The DYNALOG project aims to optimize intralogistics, the internal flow of goods, in particular through the robotization of warehouses, by proposing solutions for supervising, planning and optimizing complex missions for fleets of up to a hundred robots. The project aims to increase the performance, resilience and scalability of robotic systems in warehouses.

Video presentation:

3 themes will be addressed:

  1. Planning and development of multi-robot optimization algorithms (CESI Rouen Campus)
  2. Intralogistics flow simulation (CESI Angoulême Campus)
  3. Robotic simulation of a large robot fleet (Campus CESI Angoulême)

3 positions on these different themes are open with the following missions:

1. Planning and development of multi-robot optimization algorithms (Campus CESI Rouen)

As part of his/her activities, the future employee/intern will be responsible for :

  • Analyze and master the advanced scheduling and optimization algorithms developed by CESI LINEACT to ensure their effective adaptation and implementation in the project.
  • Carry out a comprehensive review of similar existing work to compare and position the laboratory’s algorithms against the current state of the art.
  • Adapt and implement algorithms within the project, focusing on real-time task allocation, pathfinding and energy management for large-scale robotic systems.

2. Intralogistics flow simulation (Campus CESI Angoulême)

  • Develop and validate models to assess the performance and robustness of algorithms under a variety of conditions.
  • Implement emulation models to validate system behavior through realistic interfaces.
  • Integrate simulation results into broader architectural frameworks.
  • Publish and disseminate research results: document findings, publish results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and present advances at international conferences.

3. Robotic simulation of a large robot fleet (Campus CESI Angoulême)

  • Develop a tool to convert 2D maps into 3D meshes.
  • Implement robotic simulations adapted to the project using an existing simulator.
  • Develop software interfaces between real systems and robotic simulations.
  • Propose system architecture recommendations.

Missions common to all 3 research engineers :

  • Maintain an active technology watch in your area of expertise.
  • Write technical documentation and project deliverables.
  • Document processes and share feedback to promote technology transfer and replicability.
  • Making data available to the scientific community.

Why join us ?

  • A project using innovative technologies to serve French industry.
  • A national research community.
  • nnovative equipment at the cutting edge of technology

Description du profil :


Training and experience

  • Bachelor, or master (in engineering school)
  • Significant experience in the field for which you are applying (multi-robot optimization, flow simulation and robotics simulation)

Global technical skills

  • Languages: Python, C++
  • Robotic environment: Knowledge of ROS.
  • Mastery of software development tools (GIT, documentation, CI)
  • Operating system knowledge: LINUX & WINDOWS

Technical skills in multi-robot optimization (1.)

  • Solid knowledge of optimization algorithms (e.g. metaheuristics, linear programming, dynamic programming) and their applications in task planning and allocation.
  • Knowledge of robotic systems and multi-agent frameworks, particularly in dynamic, large-scale environments.
  • Proficiency in the use of optimization tools such as Gurobi, CPLEX or similar

Technical skills: flow simulation (2.)

  • Expertise with advanced simulation tools such as FlexSim, Gazebo, or equivalent, to model and analyze scenarios.
  • Ability to design accurate and realistic models to assess the performance of intralogistics systems, including dynamic and stochastic approaches.
  • Good understanding of planning and control algorithms, particularly in combinatorial optimization and their application to robotic fleet management.
  • Experience in integrating software solutions in simulation environments.
  • Ability to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the operational efficiency and resilience of simulated systems.

Technical skills: robotics simulation (3.)

  • Proficiency in robotics simulation environments (GAZEBO, Isaac Sim / Omniverse)
  • Robotics and mechatronics modeling.
  • Mastery of Framework ROS robotics and its various tools.

Behavioral skills

  • Ability to work as part of a team.
  • Curiosity and ingenuity.
  • Good interpersonal skills and technical aptitude.
  • Public speaking skills.

CESI is committed to combating all forms of discrimination, so our job offers are open and accessible to all. So apply now and join the CESI adventure !


  • Mutual insurance covered at +90%
  • Luncheon vouchers 10 euros per day, 60% reimbursed
  • Profit-sharing and incentive bonuses / PEE and PERCO plans
  • 6 weeks CP and 14 days RTT per year
  • Remote work possible as soon as the trial period has been validated (2 days per week, up to a maximum of 8 days per month).

Entreprise :

CESI est une école d’ingénieurs qui fait de la promotion sociale par l’excellence un modèle de réussite. Rejoignez un environnement stimulant où l’esprit d’équipe, la diversité des projets et l’autonomie ne font qu’un. Découvrez une école qui a su développer un modèle unique et se donne les moyens au quotidien de relever les grands défis de l’époque. Nos 25 campus, 28 000 étudiants, 8000 entreprises partenaires et 106 000 alumni témoignent de l’impact de CESI au niveau national.

CESI accompagne ses étudiants en utilisant des méthodes innovantes de pédagogie active. L’établissement forme avec rigueur les futurs ingénieurs, techniciens et managers, dans les secteurs suivants : l’Industrie & l’Innovation, le BTP, l’Informatique et le Numérique et le Développement Durable. Parallèlement, CESI concrétise son engagement dans la Recherche à travers des activités menées au sein de son Laboratoire d’Innovation Numérique, CESI LINEACT.

Les partenariats établis avec 130 universités à travers le globe, attestent de l’engagement international de CESI. Ces liens privilégiés offrent aux élèves ingénieurs une mobilité sortante et entrante à l’échelle internationale, façonnée notamment par des stages obligatoires faisant partie intégrante de leur cursus.


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